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Things To Take Care Of While Getting Fertile Quail Eggs

Things To Take Care Of While Getting Fertile Quail Eggs

Due to their delicious taste, high nutrition, and simple digestion, quail eggs are growing in popularity. These eggs can be used in omelets, salads, and curries, among other dishes. The number of quail breeding operations has increased due to the rise in demand for fertile quail eggs for sale, giving consumers more options for buying these eggs for incubation and raising their flock.

What To Watch Out For When Procuring Your Fertile Quail Eggs

To ensure the health and prosperity of your future flock, take into account the following factors when looking to buy fertile quail eggs:


The market offers a variety of quail breeds, each with unique traits and rates of egg production. The Coturnix quail, Bobwhite quail, and Pharaoh quail are a few of the most well-liked varieties. After researching the various breeds of fertile quail eggs for sale, choose a species based on your specific needs, such as egg production, meat quality, and temperament.


Make sure the breeder you buy your eggs from has a solid reputation for producing healthy birds. For high breeding rates, the best farms ensure breeder quail are paired with four hens to one rooster. Only breeders with 95% or higher fertility rates are used to hatch fertile quail eggs, routinely audited for fertility rates. You should avoid eggs from pet stores or online retailers as they are frequently of poor quality and may not hatch properly.

Eggs' Age

You should take the age of the eggs into account because it has an impact on the hatchability rate. Compared to older eggs, fresh eggs have a higher chance of hatching. Additionally, you can ask the breeder when the bird laid the eggs, but make sure they aren't older than ten days. To ensure high viability quail eggs for hatching when received, the best breeder ships Hatching Quail Eggs for Sale within 72 hours of being laid.

Candling The Egg

During candling, a bright light is held behind the egg to view the inside. It enables you to monitor the embryo's growth and spot any problems with the egg, such as cracks, bloodstains, or a dead embryo. A candling tool and a bright light are all you need to perform the straightforward candling process. By following this procedure, you can ensure that the eggs you buy are healthy and have a good chance of hatching.

Shipping And Packing

Ensure the eggs are packaged carefully to prevent damage during transportation if you buy eggs online or from a distant breeder. All quail-hatching eggs should be safely packed in foam egg shippers created primarily to safeguard quail eggs during transportation. Foam sheets or layers of 1/2" bubble wrap are used to separate and protect each layer of fertilized eggs in the best farms. It stops the eggs from moving vertically during shipping or affecting eggs on another layer.


The success of the eggs depends on how they are stored. Keep the eggs cool and dry, between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit, with a relative humidity of 70 percent. The eggs shouldn't be kept in a place with constant temperature changes or direct sunlight, as this may hinder their ability to hatch.


The success of the eggs depends on proper egg incubation. Ensure your incubator is high-quality and capable of maintaining the appropriate humidity and temperature levels. Maintain the incubator's temperature and relative humidity between 99°F and 102°F according to the manufacturer's instructions. Check the temperature and humidity levels frequently, and adjust as necessary.


Buying fertile quail eggs is a great way to start your flock and take advantage of all the advantages they have to offer. You can make sure you make an intelligent investment and raise a healthy and productive flock by considering the factors discussed in this blog, such as the breed, source, age, and incubation methods. You can enjoy and benefit from raising quail, giving you fresh eggs and mouthwatering meat. To get the best results, carefully choose your eggs and incubate them as directed.