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What is One of the Latest Trends in Mobile Marketing, and How Can Businesses Stay Ahead of the Curve?

How much time does an average person spend on their phone daily? An hour or two or maybe more? As per recent research data, an individual spends approximately 3.25 hours on their phone! That is the perfect opportunity for brands to reach their ideal target audience with mobile marketing strategies. But for that to happen, you need to know the best tactics to reach them.

Nowadays, people are getting more dependent on their mobile devices rather than their computers for content consumption. Since that is the case, businesses need to be aware of the dynamic user preferences and ongoing customer trends to devise an effective mobile marketing strategy.

That’s the agenda of today’s blog. We’ll talk about:

  • The various mobile marketing trends
  • Which trend trumps the others in popularity and usage by companies?
  • How adopting the latest mobile marketing trends can give you an edge over the competition?

Let’s begin by discussing the fundamentals of mobile marketing and the value they offer to the brands that utilize them in their digital marketing strategy.

Mobile Marketing: How Brands Can Reach Their Audience More Effectively

When you reach and engage your audience with the help of personalized marketing strategies, that is what mobile marketing is all about. Mobile marketing tactics can help you reach more audience more effectively in the following ways:

  1. Optimising your website for mobile devices - When you optimize your website for mobile devices, you are enabling thousands of new viewers to view your offerings more conveniently. Optimize your website as a part of mobile marketing strategies so that it loads quickly, has easy navigation, and has a responsive design.
  2. Leverage mobile apps - When your consumer have your mobile app, it is like having a deeper connection with them. Having a mobile app on devices serves as a constant reminder of your brand presence in your consumers’ minds. You can harness the power of this personalized marketing tactic by making sure your mobile app provides value to your consumers and increases their brand awareness and loyalty.
  3. Use SMS marketing - With the advent of instant messaging apps, people thought SMS personalized marketing was dead. But, it is not the case. Even today, SMS marketing stands tall among its competitors for being a highly effective way to reach audiences directly on their mobile devices. More than emails, SMSs have the probability of being noticed and opened. By sending targeted SMS customized to their liking, you can increase engagement and drive sales.
  4. Offer mobile-exclusive promotion - Your brand can attract more audience and drive sales by offering mobile-exclusive promotions. For example, by offering an additional 10% off on select products upon installing your app, you can convert more website visitors.

4 of the Top Mobile Marketing Trends

  1. Optimising for voice search: Given how quickly voice search has developed over the past few years, it has become a mobile marketing must-know trend. Businesses need to be aware of voice search optimisation as more and more customers use voice-controlled devices like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple's Siri to locate information online.

Local SEO should be applied to your websites to keep ahead of the competition and optimize for voice search. You can include regional keywords in the content and meta tags.

2. Using visual content: Technology breakthroughs have made photographs and videos more widely available than before. Since interactive content in mobile marketing is more successful at grabbing viewers' attention, many companies use it in their mobile campaigns. On social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and YouTube, it is now commonplace to engage users with video clips, GIFs, meme-style graphics, and interactive graphics.

    This trend stands tall of all other trends and will be discussed in detail in the next section.

    3. Utilizing messaging apps: One of the constantly changing trends in mobile marketing for businesses is the use of mobile messaging apps. Messages sent on these platforms are an effective way to connect and engage with consumers, enabling more accessibility and individualized service.

      By creating mobile marketing tactics that give engaging experiences using conversational technology like chatbots, you can benefit your brand via features like quick-response, ease-to-use, and personalization of messaging apps. These technologies allow you to immediately grab customers' attention, boost engagement, and boost sales.

      4. Providing a secure platform - A recent survey resulted in over 61% of consumers not using mobile apps due to security concerns. With all the security and privacy risks running in the back of consumers' minds, they need help to trust mobile platforms. By giving your consumers a secure platform that they can trust, you will be staying ahead in mobile marketing and gaining more audience, which will stick with your brand in the long run.

        The One Mobile Marketing Trend That Stands Out

        Visual Content Drives Engagement and Conversions

        Did you know that only 10% of the information people hear is likely to be retained in their memory three days later? However, when that same information is combined with a relevant image, like a meme, GIF, etc., people remember 65% of it three days later!

        It is why visual strategy is leading mobile marketing innovations. Here are some of the reasons why a visual content-based strategy can take your business ahead of the curve:

        1. Facilitates imaginative narration - Words on paper are given life by visuals, which helps them stick in the minds of audiences and arouses feelings that may eventually lead to sales conversions. Since stories have been shown to influence consumers' purchasing decisions significantly, it is important to use them wisely in your mobile marketing tactics to develop a loyal customer base.
        2. Quickly captures users' attention - Visuals are always easy to look at, which makes them ideal for grabbing attention fast and effectively at any given time during online browsing or buying. As per mobile marketing insights, users are thus more likely to click on those links than on links with no accompanying images, which is good news!
        3. Generates more clicks and engagement - Compared to content without relevant photos, relevant content receives 94% more views per mobile marketing data analysis. The use of video increases interaction on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as organic search result pages (SERPs). Instead of clicking on adverts like banner ads and unrelated links, you get more visitors from individuals searching for a solution to their problem or interested in learning something new from you.

        Achieve Next-level Business Growth with Contemporary Mobile Marketing Strategies

        It is now clear that one of the latest trends in mobile marketing is the use of visual content. As more businesses come into all niches, it is important to use interactive content in mobile marketing to stay ahead of the curve. If your brand is in search of a mobile marketing agency that is fully equipped to execute all the latest mobile trends successfully, look no further than RepIndia.

        Being one of India's top mobile marketing agencies, RepIndia holds the expertise and experience to provide you with cutting-edge mobile marketing campaigns that will help you drive leads, increase sales and encourage loyalty among your consumers. So, why wait? Contact RepIndia today and stay ahead of the curve.